


Peterson, Arnold Oscar 90

Peterson, Arnold Oscar, age 90 of Howard Lake, formerly St. Louis Park, MN. passed away peacefully at home 12/23/11. Born in Kingston, MN 9/1/1921 to Oscar and Hulda Peterson. Arnold was healthy and vital to the very end, influencing his family and friends with his deep faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Preceded in death by his parents, step-mother: Sophie, wife of 61 years: Mildred, bro. Alden, sis. Lorraine, grandson: Jared, and son-in-law: Peter Dierker.
Survived by, dau. Carol (Gary) Gedde, sons: Paul (Eileen), Thomas (Kathryn), and James (Sandra), 13 grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren.

Memorial service: 12/28, 11 am at St. Johns Luth. Church of Howard Lake with vis. 1 hr prior to service.